Wednesday, December 21, 2016

All Purpose Gluten Free Flour

Gluten free was never in our plan, but food allergies brought this adventure front and center.  I use the following recipe as a substitute for everything.  The single best investment we made when 2 of my children needed to go gluten free was a flour mill.  My Blendtec Kitchen Mill has been going strong for about 8 years with no issues.  I grind corn, garbanzo beans, tapioca & rice.  It saves money to grind and make my own mix as opposed to buying everything ready made but, when I ran out of flour & was super short on time I purchased what I was missing.

Link for information on The Kitchen Mill:
This recipe calls for rice, garbanzo, tapioca, & potato flours & cornstarch.

For rice flour I buy the cheap stuff from Walmart and it works great.  


A 3 lb. bag of rice produces about 9 cups of flour.  I only need 3 for this recipe so the excess is placed in an air tight container & kept in the freezer.


3 cups rice flour
3 cups garbanzo flour
3 cups tapioca flour
3 cups corn starch
3 TBS potato flour
Add all ingredients and MIX WELL!
I store my mix in a large glass jar with a tight sealing lid.
I keep xanthan gum in a separate container and use as needed per recipe.
**add 1/4 tsp. xanthan gum per cup of flour for cookies, cakes, breads, & pancakes**


Monday, December 5, 2016

Snowflake Snowman

Today I made a quick run to The Dollar Store for hot glue when inspiration struck.  While walking down the craft isle, I spotted 2 small wreaths on a bottom shelf.  A snowman immediately popped in my mind!  I threw them in my cart and went straight for the ornament section and grabbed a big snowflake for the scarf.  Once home, my daughter and I went straight to work.

I decided to use thin string to hold the 2 wreaths together.  I also added a small loop of string to the top for the door hanger.

I used hot glue to attach silver ribbon (which I had on hand) as part of the scarf.  The big snowflake was placed over the ribbon and secured with string and hot glue.
Over the weekend I had purchased 2 boxes of glitter snowflakes from Walmart, 1 silver & 1 blue, intending to use them for a different project.  They were reasonably priced at $2.98 each. 
The next step is to hot glue the snowflakes.  I placed a good amount in the center of each and held it in place until it set.
I chose to do all silver on the 1st layer and stagger the blue in-between for the 2nd layer.
The finished product:
COST: $10              TIME:  30 min.